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MSRB System Status History

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RTRS ET ET Updates to information used to process trade data were intermittently unavailable, which could have resulted in a delay of trade reporting and public availability of trade data for certain securities.
RTRS ET ET Updates to information used to process trade data were intermittently unavailable, which could have resulted in a delay of trade reporting and public availability of trade data for certain securities.
RTRS ET ET Updates to information used to process trade data were intermittently unavailable, which could have resulted in a delay of trade reporting and public availability of trade data for certain securities.
RTRS ET ET Updates to information used to process trade data were intermittently unavailable, which could have resulted in a delay of trade reporting and public availability of trade data for certain securities.
SHORT-Data Submissions ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that resulted in a delay in availability of Market Transparency information.
RTRS ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET Updates to information used to process trade data were intermittently unavailable, which could have resulted in a delay of trade reporting and public availability of trade data for certain securities.
RTRS ET ET Updates to information used to process trade data were intermittently unavailable, which could have resulted in a delay of trade reporting and public availability of trade data for certain securities.
RTRS ET ET Updates to information used to process trade data were intermittently unavailable, which could have resulted in a delay of trade reporting and public availability of trade data for certain securities.
RTRS ET ET Updates to information used to process trade data were intermittently unavailable, which could have resulted in a delay of trade reporting and public availability of trade data for certain securities.